About WOHA
Welcome to Window Of Hope America Orphans (WOHA)
A 501(c) (3) non-profit organization established to transform the lives of orphaned children, by helping them to reach their full potential in life. Without a doubt, orphans are amongst the most vulnerable children in the world. They rarely receive the time or attention necessary for their emotional, educational, and social well being and to lead a truly success and impact life.
The lack of a mother or father to love, care and protect their interest often leaves an orphan in a defenseless and downtrodden life scenario. In the blink of an eye, familiar faces and places vanish and the dilemmas that occur next in the lives of these little ones are crucial to their existence and subsequent development. I strongly believe that a safety net is desperately needed to uphold those whom Jesus viewed as precious in His sight. Therefore, the mission of our hatchling foundation is to serve as a window of hope, by locating, salvaging and enriching the lives of orphans.
As an orphan, I understand the loss and uncertainty that unravels directly in your face as you are confronted with the reality of not having a mother or father, but what a difference the loving kindness God manifested through His people can make. Today, I am happily married to a wonderful man, the mother of four of God's blessings, and secure in the love of God. This was not a guarantee early in my life. If not for the kindness of my grandmother and family members my life would have been drastically different and upside down.
My vision of wanting to give back and help orphans has been a heavy conviction in my heart for as long as I can remember. Through prayers, I have felt God moving in my heart that now is the time to move forward with this calling. I realized very quickly that I could no longer carry the burden alone and so I shared this stirring with my husband. After turning the matter over to the Lord in prayer, felt a confirmation that this is the right path and the right timing. Being God, who speaks once and twice do we hear, my husband heard the call and accepted. It is clear to us that we must obey God by starting Window Of Hope America Orphans in Cameroon, West Africa.
WOHA will establish and provide the agape family love needed and foundational practices to support unbending nurturing relationships with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through God-fearing mentors and never ending care. This will be the gift offered from our foundation based in Dallas, Texas, to orphans all over Cameroon.
Window Of Hope America Orphans (WOHA) is dedicated to living out mandates according to the Word of God and will be based on God's love for all people as noted in Matthew 25:40. Jesus says: “Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me”. The scripture also declares in Isaiah 1:17 that we should “Learn to do good; Seek justice, Rebuke the oppressor; Defend the fatherless, Plead for the widow”. Finally my dear brothers and sisters, we take actions in faith by committing ourselves to James 1:27. He informs us that: “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world”.
This is not envisioned to be an easy or smooth undertaking, but we press toward the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus. We stand ready to carry our cross and love because we were loved first by Him. We carry on knowing that "Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." I Corinthians 13:7. No difficult task can be accomplished without God's love and support. In taking this step of faith, we are humbly mindful that this is God’s work, and must be upheld according to His principles and standards. Since Scriptural standards are fundamental to WOHA organization, transparency and accountability to God is our utmost priority.
As we fully engage in what God is leading us to do, our appeal to you is to simply: let the Lord guide your heart. As The Almighty is leading us, so we are also extending an invitation for your prayerful consideration to be part of this gracious mission. We believe we can do this as a united community of many talents and gifts, both personal and financial, in order to fulfill God's plan for orphans and widows.
Yours respectfully In Christ,
Drusilla Dinka
President and CEO